Opinion: Tim Scott Pulls out

Tim Scott Bowed Out Of A Race He was Never In, To Begin With😂

Lucy M.
3 min readNov 20, 2023

Oh boy!

Photo Credit: The Daily Wire

Tim Scott is the pleasant-looking fellow (pictured far right), and amiable dunce who first campaigned across South Carolina as a proud 30-year-old virgin unabashed about his Evangelical Christian faith and steadfast devotion to God’s commandments. By his own admission, that abstinence pledge has not survived his political career.

Nonetheless, it’s the end of the line for Tim Scott. He’s bowed out of a presidential nomination race he was never in, to begin with. But what can we say? He threw in with a tough crowd.

With a straight face, he was able to pretend that the GOP could make a man of his profile the president. This guy is known to be so even-tempered, he wouldn’t flinch if Trump pointed to him and said, ‘There’s my African American’. Talk about knowing your place.

Tim Scott believes he has the right to be on the Right, despite choosing a Party that has little alliance with people of color, and rightly so.

He swears he hasn’t lost his blackness and to demonstrate this he hijacked media attention during the height of the George Floyd protests to share his own vanilla story about a traffic stop, although we all knew he fits the profile that gets randomly…



Lucy M.
Lucy M.

Written by Lucy M.

Lover of the occasional burger, but mostly politics. Let’s Connect.

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