The Shackles of Impatience and how to break free.

An easy guide.

Lucy M.


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

At one point or another, most of us have been impatient for ‘something.’ While this might work well for a four-year-old who wants a piece of candy, it’s quite a detrimental trait for the adult man or woman whose natural path to such material gain will almost always be marked by some form of Toil- modern-day ‘work’.

Impatience will ruin your life for these two reasons.

Impatience locks you in the future.

There is only one problem with this; you cannot act in the future. Because of this, periods of inaction and anxiety will set in. It’s great to think about the future, but it’s even better to plan for it — now!

A plan brings you back to the present moment. A plan will help you craft your path to that future. A plan has actual days and times — like in a schedule, that lead to that future. For the person seeking mastery, a plan is golden, but for him who seeks material gain, a plan will be painful, and he will try to take shortcuts to reach his goal. Shortcuts seldom lead to lasting results and almost always to moronic blunders.

“What good has impatience ever brought? It has only served as the mother of mistakes and the father of irritation.”
Steve Maraboli

Driven by the gains of others

While it’s great to be motivated by others' gains, it’s odd to think that you’re going to achieve the same level of success in the same timeframe it took the other person.

Our view of the future will always be distorted because of emotions and excitement. Every person is different and unique, which translates to our passions and interests and how long it might take us to achieve the set gain.

Photocopying the interests of others will lead to burn out and short term gains. I have experienced this myself. The path to success will only be bearable if you’ll embrace your unique path, especially when you encounter challenges that you’re uniquely ‘built’ to take on.

The path to success is usually always beaten — there’s no reason to re-invent the wheel here, and while you might start by doing what others are doing, always seek to find your unique voice in it. Customize their models of success to fit yours.

“Time goes on crutches till love has all his rites.”
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing


There is no reason to be impatient. Everything takes time; I guarantee you that. The future comes one day at a time.

“The wisest are the most annoyed at the loss of time.”
Dante Alighieri

Stay busy, stay motivated, and keep moving forward! Make the ‘wait’ worthwhile.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.



Lucy M.

Lover of the occasional burger, but mostly politics. Let’s Connect.