Opinion: Chinese Spy Balloons

Terminally Bored Americans Vs Chinese Balloons Thingys

How one Baloon met the AIM-9X sidewinder missile

Lucy M.
2 min readFeb 12, 2023


Photo Credit: Dailymail

Yogo sapphires are hovering over Montana no more! Welcome the semi-primitive and unmanned Chinese spy-weather balloons/ Airships roaming the Godland skies.

While spy balloons have become a running joke on the Chinese internet, the concerned governments have taken this as a chance to indulge in dirty political theatre.

The balloon was reportedly floating at an altitude of about sixty thousand feet, an altitude that could not offer newer insight than what’s already on a regularly updated version of google earth.

Now, whether China has abandoned advanced technology and is opting for backward and slow-moving balloons that primitively depend on irregular winds for espionage or ground observation or whatever, is a question that is still up for debate in the minds of many terminally bored Americas.

One thing we know for sure is that the US deliberately allowed this ‘off-course’ Airship thingy to hover over the US continent for days, meaning that any potential threats to the god-lands had been ruled out.



Lucy M.

Lover of the occasional burger, but mostly politics. Let’s Connect.