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Opinion: Surviving a second Trump Term
A Possible ‘EAT That Frog’ Trump Term In The Works
Dyed in the wool Republicans are good at several things, a big one being denying reality. With Trump, they’re desperate to claim that their Emperor is not without clothes when in fact he is. They’re recently also deeming it an ad hominem attack when Trump is referred to as an old man. We’ll do the math later, but it’s worth noting that the man has exceeded the life expectancy of males in America.
For most, being asked to take a cognitive test wouldn’t count as a compliment, but to Trump it was. The old man has repeatedly bragged about sitting and passing a variation of the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), which implied he could remember and repeat back what he was told to remember and repeat back.
Far from being reassuring, the saner Trump is proven to be the more unhinged a second term of his is guaranteed to be.
Can we stomach another Frog?
The Biden collapse is nearly comprehensive according to polling and the largely bias media. Jack is scraping the bottom and trailing on almost every top issue, not to mention the ‘super-majorities’ that think he’s too old to do…