Opinion: White Supremacy Abroad

Mexicans / Muslims Made White Supremacy Expensive & Unsustainable

Gah, aren’t we overly fixated

Lucy M.
3 min readDec 8, 2023


Photo Credit: de.toonpool.com

The average Westerner will pretend to wanna believe that Mexicans and Muslims are anything other than what our biased media makes them out to be.

Most are deeply convinced that if these people weren’t dealing drugs, extorting businesses, flying planes into buildings, or ‘blessed’ with oil quite frankly, they’d all be cleaning toilets in the famous words of one, Donald Trump.

Some in that group also prefer to withhold titles like ‘criminal genius’ to avoid hinting at a level of intellectual sophistication. To them, a regular bowel movement can only be brought about by sticking labels on foreigners and minorities like, ‘pathological liars on a path of least resistance’.

The theories that were spun about white supremacy did us no good. They created deep divisions in our society and politics with the casual white supremacists on the right imagining themselves being ‘overall better’ than everyone else, and the white saviors on the left who believe they know better than minorities.

The only thing that seems to bring us together these days are Mexicans and Muslims in our presumptive understanding that we’re the…



Lucy M.

Lover of the occasional burger, but mostly politics. Let’s Connect.