Opinion: Lauren Boebert co-groping at Beetlejuice

‘Conservative’ Groping Is Private In The Dark

One word: Higher Education

Lucy M.
3 min readSep 22, 2023


Photo by Milan Malkomes on Unsplash

It was business as usual at the GOP when one of their h*rny GED graduates got kicked out of a theater for screaming, vaping, and generating a literal hurricane of public annoyance and disturbance.

The Party’s continued assault on all remaining shreds of “moderate” conservatism has indeed been brazen.

Lauren Boebert is the intellectual lightweight and moral back — bencher in question. Her ascension through the ranks is another clear sign that the Republican Party is dominated by a blatant strain of actual trash.

She’s patterned her entire life out of the movie Mean Girls, and as such, her successes would make her a GOP favorite;

Photo Credit: The Denver Post

Born in Florida to welfare dependents. Registered as a Democrat at 19 years of age and currently makes a living despising everything she was.

Colorado’s state attorney general’s Office opened an investigation into Boebert, citing reports that she’d inflated the mileage she was reimbursed for during…



Lucy M.
Lucy M.

Written by Lucy M.

Lover of the occasional burger, but mostly politics. Let’s Connect.

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