Opinion: Israel — Palestine Conflict

Bombing Peace & Democracy Into A Terrorist

Part 2: War for the sake of peace

Lucy M.
3 min readNov 4, 2023


Credit: Cartooningcapitalism.com

“Today nearly everything is made in China- except for courage, it’s made in Palestine.” — Anthony Bourdain (Parts Unknown)

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. Worse is the decayed state of moral and patriotic feelings, which can lead one to the belief that nothing is worth fighting for.

Although not always physical, violence in many ways is part and parcel of everyday life. The violence of human emotions also counts as violence. So do all pursuits towards the attainment of collective rights and personal freedoms.

When we project this individualized violence onto world peace, however, peace becomes an unattainable objective, and such is our world today. For peace is impossible without justice as its foundation.

Outside the United States, I have come to discover, that justice in many cases lies in the hands of demented individuals who are dirtier than hogs. People in positions of power who depend on turmoil to stay in power.

Peace is not accepted or loved by them. It is a reality that they simply cannot afford…



Lucy M.
Lucy M.

Written by Lucy M.

Lover of the occasional burger, but mostly politics. Let’s Connect.

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